Samkhya Karika 70, Sage Kapila and his Disciples Spread this Knowledge

Author: Randeep Singh / go to all Samkhya Karikas

Samkhya Karika 70 text:

Etat pavitram agryam munir Aasuraye anukampayaa pradadau |

Aasurir api Panchashikhaaya tena bahudhaa krtam tantram ||

Etat – this

Pavitram – liberating, purifying

Agryam – primary, supreme

Munir – muni Kapila

Aasuraye – to Asuri

Anukampayaa – via empathy

Pradadau – taught, revealed

Aasurir – Asuri

Api – again, in turn

Panchashikhaaya – to Panchashikhaaya

Tena – by him

Bahudhaa – widely, diverse

Krtam – transmitted, spread

Tantram – this philosophy, doctrine

Samkhya karika 70 resembles the aknowledgement page of the book on Samkhya Philosophy. It talks about the route of spread of this purifying, liberating text from Kapila to Asuri and then in turn from Asuri to Panchashikhaa, and from there to everywhere.

The author of Smakhya karikas, Isvar Krsna, is paying homage to these ancient philosophers and gurus in their own rights. He describes how Sage Kapila taught this great, divine, and highest knowledge with great compassion and empathy.

He describes the knowledge revealed ny Kapila as divine, purifying, and superior in nature. The technique of teaching was the ancient guru-shishya (teacher-disciple) tradition (parampara) as was prevalent in thjose days.

Samkhya Karika 70, Kapila Muni used Compassion and Empathy

The guru was supposed to be the epitome of knowledge which infused him with compassion, humility, and magnanimity. The disciple always received what ever the teacher (guru) had to offer and adapt it according to his own expertise and brilliance.

This karika can also educate one on the various qualities of good a teacher (guru) one must look for. the guru must be egoless and work towards empowering the student towards enhancing his conscious awareness on his own (independently).

The guru must make sure that the student receives the proper knowledge of the subject being taught in a way that he absorbs and retains it thoroughly. Only then can he be able to pass it on to posterity for their benefit.

Sage Kapila and his disciples made sure this knowledge survived the test of time. They taught selflessly. This had ensured that Samkhya Philosophy survive the tremors of occasional churns and transformations it endured during is course, passing through ages, before reaching the present time. Thay is why Indian philosophy is terned as ‘sanatana,’ or possessing a timeless quality.

It is regarded as the best and foremost because it is the best of  all other methods or solutions. Kapila Muni himself was incarnation of God. And just for the good of humanity he took birth and  imparted this knowledge to Asuri. And from there it kept on spreading and now this has come to our learning with which we can reduce our sufferings.

Yoga is practical. If we have good routines, sit in silence for some moments and increase our confidence then comes the understanding of Samkhya and with this understanding suffering go away.

To annihilate the suffering completely, to remove materialism, this samkya philosophy written by Ishwar Krishna should be used.

Correct understanding is a great thing. A normal person works in office but gets perturbed when difficulty comes. With Prakrti only intelligence-thinking has come, After learning Samkhya and reaching at intelligent level we have to say good bye to buddhi too.

Here we are talking of old scriptures. Sit in silence, observe Prakrti, know what is behind it,. The problem is  we take it as true whatever we see. If we remove Chaitanya (Consciousness) what remains – nothing.

This world will go on. one lives life forgetting oneself – take dream as true in dream state. one lives in ths world, this dream runs longer, and pne get into relationships. In the process keep suffering. The purpose of Samkhya is to open one’s eyes. one has to learn to see things correctly.

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