Samkhya Karika 71, Ishvara Krsna Compiled this Knowledge into karikas

Author: Randeep Singh / go to all Samkhya Karikas

Samkhya karika 71 text:

Shishya paramparaaya aagatam Isvarkrishnena sa cha etad aryabhih |

Samkshiptam arya mateena samyagvijnaya siddhaantam ||

Shishya paramparaaya – the tradition of teacher- student learning

Aagatam – came forward, descended

Isvarkrishnena – by Ishvr Krsna

Sa – with

Cha – and

Etad – this

Aryabhih – in the ‘arya’ metre

Samkshiptam – concisely

Arya mateena – noble and wise person

Samyag – expertly, thoroughly

Vijnaya – wisdom

Siddhaantam – doctrine, philosophical tenets

Samkhya karika 71 attributes the authorship of thi sfinal version of Samkhya Philosophy (a collection of 72 karikas (69 plus three as later additions)) to Isvara Krsna. As the purifying knowledge of Samkhya was getting tranfered from each preceding guru to the respective student, it reached Isvara Krsna who complied it in the form of karikas which we possess today.

This karika is a later addition and its author calls Ishavara Krsna as a ‘noble and wise’ student who systematically compiled its doctrines in these concise karikas.

Each karika is supposedly written as per the rules of ‘aryan metre,’ a form which follows a certain mathermetical and rhythmic precision of its own. In this metre each verse (karika) is written as a two and a half stanza.

Writing in such a metre necessitates immemse knowledge and control over language and a deep understanding of the philosophy involved. Though these karikas appear suuccinct, infused with deep meaning they are easily understandable to an ordinary intellect.

Samkhya Karika 71, Karikas are the Best and Foremost Doctrine

This doctrine is regarded as the best and foremost because it is the best of all other methods or solutions. Maharishi Kapila himself (considered God incarnate) imparted this knowledge to Aasuri, for the good of mankind. From there on it kept on spreading and now it has come to us, learning which we can reduce our sufferings.

Samkhya karika 71 always throws ample light on the quality of work done by Ishvara Krsna. He, as the student as well as the guru, has strived to maintain the original essence of the teachings and the tradition. THis becomes more significant as each era comes with with its own socio-economic, spiritual and political implications.

The author has brilliantly maintained the original flavour of the teaching along with incorporating various changes which the changing tmes had necesitated. In the times of Kapila more emphasis must have been on the concept of God and devotion to it.

The times of Ishvara Krsna must have been different in the sense that the population must have become more materialistic and self goal seeking. Still, the philosophy as enumerated for these changed times does.nt seem out of context at all.

In fact, even in today’s modern world, the teachings seem so true and relatable as always.

With the reading of Samkhya the knowledge of 25 elements comes. Samkhya is one of the six Hindu philosophies. Samkhya and Yoga comes together. Samkhya and Yoga occupies a prominent place. In ancient times there were no books written on them.

In Samkhya there is a description of the 25 elements. Prakriti and its manifestations constitute 24 elements and the and the last one is Purusha. Prakriti is changeful and is engaged in creation. Purusha is just an observer.

If we keep this truth in mind, we can understand the difficulties that come our way and not be disturbed, as all things are transitory. If something has to come, it will come and if something has to go it will go.

There are many instances when, concentrated in Chaitanya, we are able to handle even bigger difficulties well. But most of the time this fact is forgotten and we keep suffering. .

Yoga is practical. If we have good routines, sit in silence for some moments and increase our confidence then comes the understanding of Samkhya and with this understanding suffering goes away.

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