Author: Randeep Singh / go to all articles on Yoga cure
Yoga for hernia:
The word hernia originates from “hur”, “nee”, “uh”,is Latin for rupture,
that results from the breaking in of the cavity walls inside the body. The volume of the body is subdivided into various cavities, within which are placed the individual organ systems; thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, cerebroventricular cavity, the spinal canal etc.
Yoga for hernia benefits by keeping the internal organs held in position by increasing the strength, tone pf the associated muscles.
The abdominal cavity is the largest from among all. Partial peritoneum is the inner lining of the abdominal cavity and a similar layer present inside of it which covers all the internal organs in the abdomen like the liver, stomach, intestine, spleen, kidney etc.
The abdominal cavity is covered form above by the diaphragm and from below by the perineal muscle or the pelvic diaphragm. This cavity is well protected by layers of muscles which run along its sides and, back and the front. Since the cavity is basically muscular in construct, any pressure from any of the side increases the intra-abdominal pressure within the cavity.
This happens naturally, but slightly, when the diaphragm descends on its own during an inhalation to increase the space within the thoracic cavity for the incoming air.
The processes or urination, defecation and parturition required a minimal amount of intra-abdominal pressure as an aid to these processes of expulsion from the body, this pressure built up naturally within the abdominal body as and when required.
But, any intra-abdominal pressure which gets built up unnaturally – smokers cough due to bronchitis, obstructions in the urinary passage or an enlarged prostate – due to any individual cause or multiple factors working together, can cause the weaker sections of the inner walls of the abdomen to break.
The internal organs are pushed out through these gashes created by the impact of the spiked intra-abdominal pressure. Compressing the abdomen in an effort to expel the stools by someone suffering from constipation due to any psychosomatic disorder, or the compression created in the abdomen by a weight lifter while attempting to lift heavy weight with a jerk can also lead to the rupture of the inner wall of the abdomen.
In case the causative factors for abnormally spiking the intra-abdominal pressure persist for long, one can feel a hernia sac like projection below the skin while coughing.
A lot of times unhealthy dietary habits combined with mental tensions lead to acidity in the stomach which in case upwells into the esophagus can bruise its inner lining causing constant irritation leading to persistent coughing. Each instance of the coughing enhances the intra-abdominal pressure which may lead to inguinal , groin region, hernia in the long run.
Hiatus hernia is a term given to the condition where a part of the stomach protrudes out of a gash in the diaphragm into the region of the chest. There are three types of hiatus hernia: sliding hernia, para esophageal hernia, and the mixed type of hiatus hernia.
This type of hernia is always acquired and is rarely congenital in nature. This may happen either sue to muscular degeneration with age, increase in the intra-abdominal pressure due to obesity, pregnancy , tight corsets, or large cysts. The person suffering from hiatus hernia will find swallowing difficult, will experience pain, heart burn, belching and sour water taste.
Hiatus hernia can be associated with duodenal or gastric ulcers as well. In rolling type of hernia the entire stomach may descend into the thorax cavity, which is a more serious condition. Umbilical hernia is the condition, can be acquired or congenital, where in the umbilical scar is weak due to infection at an early age.
A noticeable bulge in the weak navel region is seen when the child cries. This condition can heal on its own but in case it persists surgery is recommended not before the child completes two years of age. The same conditions can be present in adults, not in the umbilical region but above or below it, due to repeated pregnancies in women or deposition of extra fat in the abdominal region for both sexes.

Yoga for Inguinal Hernia
The first thing that anybody who has gone through hernia treatment with yoga will tell will be about the diet. Diet here means what to eat?, when to eat?, and what attitude to have while one is eating? Following proper and yogic dietary habits take care of the acidity issues if present any as profusion of acid in the digestive system corrodes the inner lining of the organs that hold it leading to a rupture through which the internal organs can herniate.
Acidity can even cause minor irritation within the digestive track which can lead to chronic cough, increasing the intra-abdominal pressure.
One of the hernia causes is constipation, most of us do not realize that remaining habituated to drinking tea multiple times in a day can lead to hardening of the stools which can impede their free movement within the intestines.
Yoga for inguinal hernia recommends giving away the habit of drinking tea. Next what it recommends is drinking warm water as the first thing does the moment one is up in the morning, this stimulates the metabolism and helps activate the peristalsis of the intestines which does away with constipation.
Practicing yoga asanas for inguinal hernia help by quietening the puzzled mind and by toning the abdominal muscles. Some of the techniques like Vamandhauti from Yoga for abdominal hernia teaches one about how to keep the stomach free of any acid or acidic salts in an easy to follow steps.
Eating less, and sattvic food keeps the digestive track free of any toxins and obstructions which may increase intra-abdominal pressure unnaturally. A lot many times tension, coughing, and frequent vomiting are the cause of unwarranted pressure built up in the abdominal region.
Yoga for abdominal hernia benefit by teaching the practitioner about the significance and the techniques of relaxation as well as how to stop worrying, as mental tensions, worries, and negative thoughts are the cause of an impaired digestive track in many conditions.
Inguinal Hernia Yoga
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