How Well do you know your Nose? Take the Self test Questionnaire

Author: Randeep Singh / go to all articles on Yoga Concepts

Know you nose test:

1) Much of the pleasure of what we –

eat comes through the nose

a. True

b. False

2) Sinuses are most intimately related to the –

nose and are a part of it. How many sinuses do we have?

a. 2

b. 4

c. 6

d. 8

3) Apart from smell, what other major functions does the nose undertake?

Nose Knowledge Test

a. Helps in speech

b. Conditions the air we breathe

c. Helps change our position/ moves during sleep

d. All the above

4) What exactly acts as the filter in the nose?

a. The hairs

b. The sticky mucus lining in the nose

c. The (filter) sputum

d. the nose drum

5) When our nose runs, what exactly is the material that runs?

a. Plasma

b. Filtered blood

c. Bacterial waste products

d. Mucus

6) Bacteria and other germs trapped in the nose are

a. Destroyed in the nose itself

b. Destroyed in the stomach

c. Destroyed in the blood

7) Approximately how many different scents can we detect?

a. 1500

b. 3000

c. 4000

d. 6500

8) Where exactly is the odor detecting part in the nose?

a. In the walls

b. In the partition

c. In the roof

d. In the base

9) Which is the nerve that connects the nose to the smell centre in the brain?

a. The nasal nerve

b. The facial nerve

c. The Olfactory nerve

d. The odor nerve

10) A common problem occurring in the nose is a polyp. What exactly is a polyp?

a. A mushroom like growth of the nasal mucosa

b. A foreign body in the nose

c. A clot in the nasal blood vessel

d. Severe bleeding from the nose

11) What exactly is the cause of running nose in common cold?

a. Viruses liquify to cause the excessive water

b. Profuse nasal mucosa secretions to wash off the virus

c. Dilated blood vessels causing secretion of plasma

12) When the nose bleeds, what’s the best thing to do?

a. Pack the nose with cotton

b. Lie down with head low

c. Press the nostril lightly

d. Press between the two eyes lightly

13) What is a sneeze indicative of?

a. Something has irritated the nose

b. An attack of common cold is imminent

c. Somebody is remembering you

d. a sneeze has no significance

14) Patients often have a tube passed through their nose for feeding purposes. What is it called?

a. Nasal tube

b. Endotracheal tube

c. Nasal Catheter

d. Nasogastric tube

15) Sinusitis – chronic infection of the nasal sinuses – has a very characteristic headache pattern:

a. Headache on one side

b. Giddiness with headache

c. headache while bending down

d. headache with light flashes

16) Why is it not advisable to use nasal drops to open up a blocked nose for long?

a. It damages the lining

b. Problem is likely to recur with greater intensity

c. it alters the smell pattern

Answers – Know your Nose

1) a

2) b 2 of each – frontal ethmoidal, maxillary, and sphenoidal

3) d Sleeping on one side gradually engorges that side’s nostril, which then sends a silent signal without waking up the person. causing the person to turn over. The aim of this reflex action is to prevent the muscles from getting cramped in the morning.

4) a & b

5) d

6) b Mucus carries the germs trapped in it via the posterior nasal passage to the stomach. The process is called post nasal drip.

7) c In extremely sensitive people up to 10, 000.

8) c

9) c The first of the twelve cranial nerves.

10) a

11) b & c

12) c Press the fleshy part of the nose lightly and sit quietly for 15 minutes. Refrain from blowing the nose. If bleeding still persists pack the nose with a gauze and get medical help.

13) a

14) d

15) c

16) b Called rebound phenomen

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