Author: Randeep Singh / go to all articles on Yoga cure
Yoga for Sinus –
IWhat does yoga for sinus does? Sinuses are natural spaces, hollows between the joints of the skull.
These hollow spaces are seemingly meant to reverberate the sound which is produced in the larynx. It is (sound box) present in the throat. These hollow spaces also filter the air which enters them during the breathing process.
Since they stay as hollows only, they remain easy targets for foreign matter, microbes to enter and infect their inner lining made of live tissues. The inflammation of the inner surfaces of the sinuses is known as sinusitis. Inflamed sinuses get filled with fluid which results from the secretions released from the inner membrane.
Sinusitis can result from common cold, or the swelling of the inner lining of the nose, nasal polyps or a deviated septum.
Sinusitis which lasts for about 2- 4 weeks is known as acute sinusitis, and any infection of the sinuses which stays for more than 12 weeks comes under the category of chronic sinusitis. Other factors that may contribute to the inflammation of the sinuses are a weak immune system, allergies to certain elements, floating dust or smoke in the environment , kids drinking from bottle lying on their back, or catching the infection from contact with someone already infected.
The first and very obvious symptom of sinusitis is a blocked, runny nose this may be accompanied by mild cough along with loss of the sense of smell. Sinusitis is one of the causes for bad breath in a majority of the cases some people may experience fever, fatigue and pain in the dentures as well. Swelling around the eyes, sore throat and pain in the ears may also be present.
In case left untreated, chronic sinusitis can damage vision and in severe cases can even lead to blindness. Very rarely uncontrolled sinusitis can lead to inflammation of the membranes of the bran and the spinal cord.
Yoga for Sinusitis

The sinusitis infection treatment with yoga involves a number of nasal cleansing techniques. One of them is washing the sinuses and the nasal cavity with saline solutions (Jalneti). This technique is known as hypertonic nasal irrigation therapy which is very effective in thinning the mucous layer within the sinuses, along with arresting the inflammation present therein.
Jalneti is one of the most noninvasive technique for inducing effective mucociliary clearance. As per one study 70 % of the subjects who were inflicted with sinusitis showed reduction in its symptoms after regularly practicing the nasal cleansing technique for a specific duration. Patients who experience frequent bouts of sinusitis have been found to reduce the usage of medication for the treatment of this condition with the regular practice of Jalneti.
Yoga or sinus incorporates Mantra Chanting, Pranayamas which generate active vibrations within the skull ( Brahmari), and singing bhajans as these are important components of the home remedies for sinus. These vibrations generated in the skull by these practices help open the spaces connecting the sinuses to the nasal passage.
This benefits by draining out the extra mucous from the inflamed sinus cavities through the nose, this also drains the inflammation causing bacteria present in the mucous out which keeps these cavities infection free. Yoag for sinusitis include humming techniques used in various pranayamas for which help keep the interconnected hollow channels of the sinuses well ventilated, and thus free of any disease.
It has been found that exhalation accompanied by humming ( as in brahmari, Om Chanting) keeps the nitric oxide levels within the sinuses high, this prevents any infection from taking roots in these cavities.
Yoga for sinus allergies also benefits sinusitis in an indirect manner, by relieving the mental stress and improving the blood circulation to the membranes lining the sinus cavities. An improved blood circulation improves the infection fighting potential of the cells of the membranes involved.
Moreover a healthy blood supply also benefits by keeping the sinuses well drained of any stagnant, and therefore harboring infection causing microbes, secretions within the sinuses. Allergic sinusitis can be easily avoided by making simple changes to one’s lifestyle.
Healthy lifestyle includes all the activities which align one with the natural laws of nature; sleeping and waking up early, healthy diet, timely and proper evacuation of the bowels and liquid waste from the body etc. One can effectively treat sinusitis with yoga by practicing certain specific asanas which stretch the respiratory organs in different directions, this benefits b keeping the respiratory passageways clear of any obstruction which can later turn into inflammation.
Simple yoga poses for sinus when done with a proper coordination with slow breathing directs the flow of each inhalation and exhalation to the remotest corners of the respiratory system keeping them clear and healthy.
All the forward bending low head position yoga asanas are very effective in force draining the sinuses clear of any mucous. While performing yoga asanas where the head is required to be placed lower than the heart help by rushing the blood to the head region aided by gravity. This on its own enhances the overall health of the organs systems associated with the oral, nasal, auditory, and ophthalmic functions which are situated in the vicinity of each other.
Yoga for Sinus Infection
Sinus Infection Treatment at Home
With many more resistant organisms in today’s polluted environment, Sinusitis seems to have remerged as a major problem. Smokers and people with allergies, immune deficiencies, or nasal obstructions (such as deviated septum, polyps, or tumors) are the worst affected.
The main function of the sinuses, which consists of four sets of hollow cavities located above , behind, and beside the nose, is to produce mucus (normally up to two litres a day) that washes away bacteria , dust and other inhaled pollutants. hair like cilia which line the sinuses, sweep the mucus into the nose and to the back of the throat, where it is swallowed and dissolved by digestive acids. However, the cilia do not function properly when the sinuses become inflamed resulting in the mucus getting trapped – thus creating a breeding ground for bacteria.
There are two kinds of sinusitis – acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis, which require different treatments while being treated at home. The more common condition, acute sinusitis, often follows a cold and lasts less than three weeks. If detected early, home remedies may suffies. However, if it is ignored, the condition could worsen and may even require surgery.
The following measures are recommended in case of early detection:
- A saline spray will mositurize nasal membranes and help clear bacteria and dust from the nose.
- Go easy on over-the-counter nose spraysor drops as prolonged use may cause more inflamation.
- Since moist sinuses are less likely to get infected, take a long, hot shower and breathe steam simultaneously. A hot wash cloth may also be applied to the forehead, nose , and cheeks to open nasal passages.
- If your home has a central heating system, use a humidifier to tackle dry air in the house.
- To loosen mucus an expectorant my be used.
- Nutritious foods and rest are absolutely essential. Vitamin A not only thins mucus but helps to promote healthy mucus producing cells.
Repeated bouts of acute sinusitis following a cold can be prevented by using antibiotics or steroids sprays.
Chronic sinusitis is a nostop infection caused from repeated or untreated acute infections and its symptoms include cough, congestion, postnasal drip, rawness in the sinuses, diminished ability to smell, and thick green or yellow nasal secretions. The sinuses narrow or become closed and are unable to drain after being scarred by earlier infections. The condition usuasally lasts for more than six weeks
There have been cases where the patient wakes up one morning to find his eyelids bulging, a piercing pain shooting from forehead to upper teeth, and a fever. Even the sense of smell may be affected. Where there is strong history of sinusitis and medical therapy had failed, endoscopic surgery may become necessary to drain the sinuses. This high tech process consists of inserting a tube equipped with fiber-optic camera and other instruments through the nose.
To reduce inflammation further, follow-up medication includes antibiotic therapy for ten days and nasal steroids. Although goof medical therapy is available today to keep us breathing freely, it is always better to consult the physician at the first sign of discomfort. Early detection and treatment of sinusitis can keep it under control.
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